Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tony Blair Says Major Internet Clampdown Needed

According to mainstream reports, Tony Blair is now saying there needs to be a major new clampdown on internet journalist.

Is it me or is Blair on his way out WANTING people to see his Labor Party
as a total Orwellian authority? Forget the millions of CCTV cameras...
Tony Blair hinted today at new restrictions on internet journalism, saying online news coverage had become "more pernicious and less balanced" than traditional political reporting.
In a farewell lecture on public life, he said that much of the British media behaved like a "feral beast, just tearing people and reputations to bits".
"In fact, the new forms can be even more pernicious, less balanced, more intent on the latest conspiracy theory multiplied by five."

Ooh, did you get that? I guess there's too many "conspiracy theorists" running around online "posing as journalists", better clamp down on the net Chinese government style! Gee, I seem to recall the Blair/Bush government lying about WMD's in Iraq, and then Bush suggested a drone plane be painted in UN colors and hope it shot down over Iraq.
Good to see the false flag Tonkin spirit is alive and well. Oh, but people like me are the "conspiracy theorists", and the reason why the internet needs to get a major clampdown. :)