Monday, June 11, 2007

The Odd Couple: Just Whose Side Of Terror Is The CIA On?

After years of discussing all manner of geo-political goings on from a slightly different perspective than most may be used to, a friend of mine urged me to finally start up a blog. I've posted literally thousands of political article/threads in various forums, but never actually dedicated myself to a blog of any sort. To preface, I've always been deeply interested in politics and world intrigue.

I'm 29, and can clearly remember watching the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, wondering why my Transformers was being preempted. But I was absolutely fascinated, 1987 being not just the exposure of the government's shadow side, little did I know Iran-Contra would dovetail with BCCI and CIA-crack cocainegate.
Ever since, right alongside my keen interest in giant robot anime, old school video games, webcomics..there's, well politics. "Deep politics" I should say, going *way* past the headline. I have long since become very disenfranchised from the mainstream "left", and find myself in a kind of nowhere land with my views and research.

I decided I'm going to talk about what I see the real state of "terrorism" and war that I feel both the left and right completely misses. In the post cold war era, we hear ad nasueum from both the left and the right all about "al Qaeda" and the threat of terrorism...using that pretext as the justification for all sorts of
apetizers on the revolving agenda. But I it possible, the American government may be a bit hypocritical on the whole issue?

We saw how the "Miami 7 al qaeda plot to blow up the Sears Tower", "Fort Dix" plot and now the JFK Airport plot all appear to have had US government informants leading the would be wannabe dupes all the way. Now the US appears to be using this same tactic, but for Iran. According to the London Telegraph, Bush sanctioned "black ops" against Iran. The article begins:
"President George W Bush has given the CIA approval to launch covert "black" operations to achieve regime change in Iran, intelligence sources have revealed.
Ok, that doesn't sound too bad right? A little Operation Ajax Redux, maybe stirring up some local anti Ahmad dissent groups. It's not like the US would be pulling a Brzezinski...right?

But what's this? The CIA is helping to fund and stimulate a Pakistani terrorist group called Jundullah to stage attacks in Iran? CIA is helping to fund and stimulate a Pakistani terrorist group called Jundullah to stage attacks in Iran? according to ABC News. Yipes. According to another report by the London Telegraph, the US using the CIA is directly funding these terror groups. The wording of things in the media is a tricky thing. In this recent Reuters article simply calls the terror attacks in Iran backed by the CIA as done by "Pakistani millitants".

So what's the problem you say? "Iran is our enemy, they are using proxy soldiers to attack the US in Afghanistan and Iraq and are building nukes" you might say, since that's what the neocon Fox news pundits keep parroting. "Isn't it better we attack Iran by proxy than with American millitary".

Well, what happens when this "Jundullah" group in reality is nothing more than a more vicious wing of al Qaeda? According to a top Pakistani newspaper, Jundullah is closely linked with al Qaeda.
Another top news sources from Pakistan Jundullah is a newer wing of al Qaeda. According to SourceWatch, Jundullah was originally headed by allefed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaek Mohammed.
Wow, that's funny. So if al Qaeda is attacking the Soveits, Serb positions in Kosovo and Albania...or blowing stuff up in Iran, then it's "ok".

What's even more disturbing is the that it's no secret Pakistani Intelligense(ISI) was involved in not just 9/11, but has long been reported to control and fund both al Qaeda and the Taliban.
It was the ISI who helped get an Indian airliner hijacked around Christmas of 1999, so it could be flown to Osama and company in Kandahar for Omar Saeed Sheikh to be released. Omar would go on to be the middle money man between the ISI and the 9/11 hijackers, as well as help kill Wallstreet Journalist Daniel Pearl(Evidence suggests Pearl was killed for finding out the fact ISI was involved in 9/11 and controls al Qaeda) It's now mainstream news Pakistani ISI used Islamic terrorists to kill hundreds in the 7/11/2006 attacks. It also appears as if the FBI is in Pakistan right now investigating top Pakistani government officials and the heads of Pakistani banks in massive insider trading and ties to al Qaeda funding.

The US government allowed Pakistani ISI
fly out some of the heads of al Qaeda and Taliban according to MSNBC and even a top CIA commander came out and said that the US had let Osama escape. No surprise, since according to ABC Pakistan is giving Osama safe harbor. According to the New Yorker's Seymour Hersh, Rumsfeld was the one that gave the orders to allow Pakistan to fly out top al Qaeda and Taliban and let Osama flee. In the Times of London, one of the top former CIA heads said Osama should be allowed to roam free. It should be of NO shock that even the NY Times Pakistani ISI is behind the Taliban resurgence attacking coalition troops in Afghanistan. And yet, YET according to this NBC news clip, the US government gives A BILLION to Pakistan a year to "find Osama".
What a joke. Osama is the modern day "Goldstein" trotted out to incite fear
and legitimize the nearly one TRILLION dollar "war on terror" that my friends, is one hell of an expensive boxcutter.

I could go on how it came out that
Sudan was behind the USS Cole attack and controls al Qaeda. And even tho Sudan ALSO is behind the genocide in Darfur, for some reason the CIA is in bed with the Sudanese government in Khartoum. We know it wasn't just Pakistan involved in 9/11, but according to top ranking US officials Saudi Arabian intelligence was involved...tho Bush seems to be covering that up. A lot of people don't know this, but the United Arab Emirates is also deeply embedded with not just al Qaeda and a Falcon hunting buddy of Osama, but is one of the main hubs where Afghani opium meets arms sales and terror funding.
Aw, sounds like the good ol BCCI
days...where the CIA, Mossad, ISI and Saudi Intelligence had an orgyastic money laundering feast with Mujahadeen terror funding, and narco trafficking and black arms finances. According to the Washington Post, all roads lead to UAE and Dubai when it comes to terrorist funding. Most of the Pakistani ISI, Saudi intelligence and other funding for 9/11 to Mohammed Atta was conduited through the UAE, most notably Standard Charter Bank(which had a headquarters in World Trade Center 7) With UAE's elites hobnobbing with Osama at Falcon Hunting trips(apparently the Arab world's version of Bohemian Grove or Bilderberg) and UAE's clear ties to al Qaeda overall...President Bush wanted to sell out our ports to these guys?

Finally, after Khalid Mohammed "confessed" at Gitmo to being behind everything from 9/11 to World Trade Center 1993(even tho that had clear FBI involvement) to practically every terror plot in existance(I'm surprised he didn't "confess" to Katrina, Anna Nicole Smith and rigging American Idol)
Time Magazine strongly linked KSM as being funded and sheparded by members of the Qatari royal elites and Pakistani Intelligence. It should REALLY disturb people that the mastermind of the 1998 African Embassy bombings and the main architect of Osama's nuttyness and al Qaeda overall is a free man under witness protection, and was once an FBI and CIA operative. Just like how 7/7 London mastermind Harsoon Awat is a protected MI6 operative who was flown out of the UK right after the July 7th attacks.

Is THIS how the western world is going to conduct business? Invoking the fear of "Islamic terror" to justify everthing from private millitary contractors out of control and torture, to everything in between...YET at the same time be knowingly in bed with the very countries that control and shepard al Qaeda? It was only a few decades ago that the CIA, NATO and Italian security forces were staging false flag deadly attacks on hundreds of innocents to blame on other forces. A few years ago according to the BBC, Italian forces planted explosives to blame on peaceful G8 protestors. I won't even get into how many of the IRA bombings appear to have been MI5 provocateured, but you get the picture.

Where does "terrorism" end, and state sponsored provocateuring begin?

As a side note, there is an *excellent* and powerful documentary about the 9/11 families struggle for justice, that goes a bit into Pakistan's role in 9/11 and al Qaeda. Here's the full documentary 9/11 Press For Truth(full documentary)

And a clip from the film that goes into the ISI involved in 9/11 from as far back as 1999.

1 comment:

Chris Shaw, Australia said...

Did you ever wonder about the sanity of the CIA's extraordinary rendition? Why would anybody bother to charter so many jets to fly the odd obscure "terrist" across the world in so much secrecy? So many governments have coyly admitted to turning a blind eye to these covert and unexamined air-traffic movements. In the history of intelligence, was ever so much effort and expense squandered for so little? Where are the terrorists that have been brought to book? Where are the convictions?

It only makes economic and ergonomic sense if you consider that rendition flights might be a cover for something more important to the CIA.

The CIA's love affair with the lucrative "magic currency" of drugs is legendary. Simply Google "Professor Alfred McCoy" for a scholarly appreciation of this phenomenon.

Heroin is worth several times the value of gold, weight for weight. It can be exchanged for currency and goods anywhere in the world. Since heroin is destroyed (consumed) by the end-user, it's value cannot be so easily depleted by a glut. This stuff is truly magic currency. The only problem is transporting and distributing it in secret, leaving little or no forensic trail.

When the US wrested Afghanistan from the Taliban, they inherited the poppy crops, which have flourished like never before. Bumper harvests have been recorded, despite adverse growing conditions, and at the expense of much needed food crops.

I think rendition flights only make sense if they are looked at as contraband flights. Even Guantanamo itself is a node in the CIA network.

Does Air Rendition = Air America?

What are the odds?