Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Tentacle By Any Other Name

You know, I've become disgusted with how Michael Moore has become over the years. I now have very mixed feelings to say the least on Bowling For Columbine and I now realize Fahrenheit 9/11 was a pretty big white wash from the more disturbing facts. But after seeing his new film Sicko(which has been put online here...apparently Moore is down with freeware viewing of his work)
I have to say he has *somewhat* redeemed himself. Sicko is by far his best film to date I'd have to say, as it totally exposes in every way possible the total evil and corruption of the big health care scheme in America. This dovetails with another new documentary I say called Maxed Out(see trailer here)
as well as a new Ralph Nader documentary An Unreasonable Man. I was saddened to see how despite such a massive amount of brave things and real change Nader brought about, the left still blames him for Gore losing(Um,'s called
voter fraud, manipulation and theivery!) Now if Sicko shows us the sheer depths the HMO's in America will go to wrap their tentacles around Washington DC and decide who gets to live or die in America...Maxed Out shows how the biggest poison affecting countless millions in America is credit cards and debt lending. It's truly sad how
destructive debts, financial burdens, etc wrecks the average American. We;re brainwashed into thinking we need to have this, have that, and never own anything of great financial value for many years..always just barely paying interest or student loans. We're bombarded by this schizophrenic message of what to buy, to be thin but eat this new triple cheeseburger...depressed? Take this pill! Wondering how messed up the world is? Aw, why not turn into the latest episode of 24, Lost and Heroes...ooh, I hear Paris Hilton and Britney Spears got into a fight? Is the youtube clip on your ipod? Here, watch some sports! Maybe ya can be a contestent on Big Brother...oh wait, you're living in big brother.

However a new online documentary I just saw(available here) completely exposes and goes in depth with the corrupt Federal Reserve and central banking system; that has literally controlled America
since 1913. The documentary shows how the Federal Reserve came to be after the international bankers behind the Fed used their clout over the newspaper to create the financial bank panic of 1907. As well as wishing to their lucky stars the Lusitania would be sunk by German U-boats, that Japan would attack America, and the margin loan scam that brought about the Depression. Some may stay studying finances is boring, but when you see
how much control and effect they've had just with war profiteering's staggering.(The documentary also goes into the scam of Vietnam, as well as how Bayer's IG Farben and President Bush's grandfather along with the Rockefellers funded both sides of world war 2...Nazis, and American)

Anyways, I was happy to see Sicko bring to light just how many of the 9/11 rescue workers, first responders, police, firemen, etc are suffering I was quite relieved. As USA Today reports, so many of the 9/11 heroes are suffering and dying. However what Sicko DOESN'T expose is how the White House faked air quality reports to tell everyone the air was "safe to breathe". No masks required! Even according to conservative NYPost, Condi Rice OK'd the safe air claim.
The government then went on to block emergency medical funding to the suffering firemen, EMT, police, etc. early on and has pretty much turned their back on the heroes they once trumpeted. Now we see Guiliani(Ghouliani?) exploiting 9/11 even more with his bid for the presidency. However, the mainstream media is starting to report how he covered up the fact the city illegally purchased Motorola radios for the fire department that didn't work...something many people attribute to the mass confusion and death of hundreds of firefighters.

You already know how the US government treats it's soldiers when they get back, and are finally seeing how they've been treating the 7/10 September 11th responders who are suffering and dying. Some of the most visible people raising awareness and a lot of funding/care for these people are what the Fox News Bushbots and even a lot of the left would call "fringe tinfoil hatwearers" I guess questioning anything the government does
outside of a Colbert/Jon Stewart "safe" level is "unpatriotic".

The biggest "evil" one can do in America according to the left and right is to even imply elements of the US government consciously allowed or was in any way complicit in the tragedy that killed 3000 Americans(and killed/maimed countless thousands more innocent Arabs and US soldiers)
In this Mccarthy era like witchhunt world, "commie" has been replaced with "conspiracy theorist"...but I tell ya, at the very least we can clearly see how the government is killing not just it's own people, but the very people it claims are it's heroes.

And now the soldiers coming home and yet to come home, and the heroes of that awful day are waking up to a grim reality. And Americans as a whole are waking up to a grim reality...a financial grim reality, where the American dollar literally could collapse bringing us to a 1929 like the public continues to sink down into a financial debt nightmare. Oh, yet people say the economy is "booming", especially compared to the early 90's era recession. Oh how ye of little forefight to the very fabric of things at it's breaking point.

By the way, there's a great hour long Sundance Documentary called Dust To Dust, hosted by Steve Buschemi that really goes into what the government did to the 9/11 heroes who are now suffering from the ground zero dust coverup.

1 comment:

Chris Shaw, Australia said...

I think each of us must do what we do best.

I have no big problem with Mike Moore, Al Gore, Greg Palast, Chomsky, Ralph Nader, Robert Fisk, George Monbiot, (probably) Tariq Ali etc etc, not being able or willing to tackle 9-11.

That's OUR job.

Those guys are so good at what they do, why spoil it? They do their job and we do ours.

Sure, we might have disagreements with them from time to time, but it's no big deal. In a way, they are relying on US to tackle 9-11.

OK - bring it on! It's OUR job.

(PS - sorry to be your only commentator so far. It's a good blog.)